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Adventures in Awakening

7 Levels of D​iscovery

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience,

we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

- P. T. De Chardin

New Course Date

Coming in Summer 2023 

Adventures in Awakening

7 Levels of Discovery

Online Experience

Come and join us on an adventure of 7 Levels of Discovery. 

Where we will take a deep dive into the exploration of

"Who am I?" and "Why am I here?".

All for the purpose of activating the awakening process

and guiding us to realize and thrive at the highest potential of our Self.

If this resonates with you and you would like to explore this more,

then we invite you to come on an Adventure in Awakening!

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"I was blown away after the class last night! It's phenomenal really! I'm amazed at the broad span of information you have covered. Thank-you!"

Mary M., Carmel, CA

7 Levels of Discovery


Every week we will be delving deeply into another level of:

who you are, who you are not, and why you are here.

Level of Discovery One - Who Am I?

“We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”

When we truly look at our selves from this perspective, our whole world can shift and transform in powerful ways. In this first class, we will be exploring how we see ourselves and what we identify with, and how this shapes our life experience.

Level of Discovery Two - Who Am I Not?

If I am Soul first, then why don't I experience this? Our human mind/body is designed to distract us from our Soul level. In this class, we will explore how to recognize the distractor factors of the mind/body and how to go beyond them, to experience your deeper self. We will also be learning powerful tools and techniques to empower us in this process.

Level of Discovery Three - Soul Zone

Once we examine who we are not, we are ready to take a closer look at who we really are - our Soul. We explore what it feels like to live from the Soul level and how to experience this on a regular basis in our daily life. 

"Thank you Traysiah for the wonderful 7 Levels of Discovery Course. The wisdom, spiritual guidance, practical tools, and information were so well organized and presented with such love and compassion. Learning to relate to life on a soul basis is amazing, thanks for enriching my life with this transformative course. Hope you offer it again, I’ll be the first to enroll!"

- Kathie W., Bellingham, WA

Level of Discovery Four - Why Am I Here?

We are all here for a powerful and specific purpose. In this class we will examine the fundamental reason for all Souls to be here on earth, and the powerful secret that we have all forgotten, that can help us to step into our life in a more fulfilling way. 

Level of Discovery Five - Soul Success

We are here for Soul Success, not Society Success. In this class we examine the difference between the two, and learn empowering steps we can take to activate the Soul Success we are here to experience. We will be guiding you through exercises to clarify and step into your unique Soul Purpose.

Level of Discovery Six - Soul Odyssey

The ultimate truth of who we are is even more infinite than we may imagine with our human minds. In this class we will explore the full magnificence of who we are and the full epic journey that we are all on together.

Level of Discovery Seven - Activate Awakening

In the class, we will be exploring the four practical steps to activate our awakening process. Four daily practices that can ground us in who we really are and help us to fully experience the highest level of our Self.

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7 Levels of Discovery

Come along on an epic expedition of

7 Levels of Discovery

to explore the depths of who you are and the highest purpose of why you're here.

"I cannot thank you enough for your amazing course and all you have taught me. 

I could honestly listen to you for hours and hours."

- Tamatha O., Cowra, Australia

Traysiah Spring 

My Story

It has been my lifelong passion, to explore the depths of who we really are.

At eleven years old, I was introduced to meditation and had a life changing experience of infinite expansion and absolute silence within. From that moment on, my life has been focused on exploring our inner world of consciousness, to discover who we really are and why we are here.

This course is a culmination of a 48 year intensive journey, of sitting at the feet of great wise beings, meditating with 2,000 other people, studying and teaching Meditation, Vedic Astrology, Ayurveda, Hypnotherapy and other holistic modalities. And sharing this eternal wisdom with beautiful Souls around the world.

I am so excited to bring these lifelong experiences and discoveries together into one course, to share with you some of the hidden gems of wisdom that I have stumbled upon, along the way.

Are you ready to explore the depths of who you really are and why you're here?

Come on a journey of an Adventure in Awakening!

"To me, this has truly been a life-line!"

- Leticia N., San Mateo, CA

What Level Are You On?

Take The Quiz 

“The soul is the truth of who we are.”

- Marianne Williamson

Dear Magnificent Fellow Souls,

I am so excited to offer this online course, that explores who we really are and why we're here.

Have you ever felt that there is more to you than your human body, your personality, your thoughts, your job, your life story?

Well, there is! There is so much more to you than all of these things.

You are so much more!

The "Adventures in Awakening" Course is a 10-week fully experiential journey, through 7 Levels of Discovery, to explore yourself and your life from a whole new perspective, from a higher point of view, so you can feel at peace with your life so far, gain crystal clarity of the ultimate purpose of your life and unleash your highest potential.

When we radically shift our perspective, we can create powerful transformations on all levels of our self and our life.

This course offers ten weeks of live Zoom classes and materials, and includes - guided soul journeys, meditations, inspirational exercises, colorful learning materials, as well as, many powerful tools and techniques for you to take with you and use in your daily life.

I hope you will join me on this Adventure in Awakening!

With Love and Light,

Traysiah Spring

Enroll Now

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Spiritual Leader, Rishikesh India

"What a gift from the universe you are, Traysiah!"

Debra Poneman, Yes To Success

"Tom and Traysi are the best of the best! They are excellent teachers, speakers and even entertainers!"

- Debra Pone​man, Best selling Author, Global New Thought Leader, "Yes to Success" Seminars

Reverend Blake Isaac, Director of Questhaven Ministry

"Traysi and Tom are outstanding speakers and teachers. They have a natural way of presenting a topic with interest, clarity and enthusiasm, that engages the audience."

- Rev. Blake Isaac, Director of Questhaven Ministry, San Marcos, CA

Marci Shimoff, Best Selling Author, Speaker

"I have been very impressed with the depth of Traysi's knowledge and usefulness of her guidance. She has over 25 years of experience helping people step into who they were born to be."

- Marci Shimoff, Featured in the Documentary "The Secret", Best Selling Author, World renowned Speaker, Global New Thought Leader

Rene Ringnalda, The Chopra Center

"Traysi and Tom are wonderfully knowledgeable and inspiring facilitators. They know how to deliver content and turn it into a lasting memory. I highly recommend attending their events."

- Rene Ringnalda, Chopra Center Educator, The Chopra Center, San Diego, CA 

Kathryn Kemp Guylay, Bestselling Author, Speaker

“Traysi is a caring and talented soul that can give you profound insight into your life. I can’t recommend her highly enough!”

- Kathryn Kemp Guylay, Bestselling Author/Speaker, "Make Everything Fun" 

Enroll Now

"There's no greater discovery, 

than stumbling upon the vast silence and peace, 

that lies within our self."

- Traysiah Spring.

Payment Options

Choose the payment option that is most comfortable for you

One Payment

$108.00 US

Best price 

Click on Enroll Now below 

to go to Payment Options

7 Week Online Course

Bonus Materials

Group Coaching Sessions

Recordings of Classes available for 2 years

Monthly Payment Plan

$27.50 for 4 Months

4 Monthly Payments

Click on Enroll Now below

to go to Payment Options

7 Week Online Course

Bonus Materials

Group Coaching Sessions

Recordings of Classes available for 2 years

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