Adventures in Awakening Academy

Adventures in Awakening
“Meditation isn’t about forcing your mind to be quiet,
but about experiencing the quiet that is already there.”
- Dr. Deepak Chopra
Om Awaken Meditation
Om Awaken Meditation
Om Awaken Meditation is a simple yet powerful technique,
that effortlessly guides our mind beyond our busy thoughts,
to explore our own inner place of silent awareness within ourselves.
Let's Meditate
Let's Meditate
Explore Om Awaken Meditation for yourself.
Enjoy this 25 minute
powerful guided meditation.
"There's no greater discovery, than stumbling upon the
vast silence and peace, that lies within our self."
- Traysiah Spring.

What if...
...we all have a place at the core of our selves, that is always calm, quiet and peaceful. And at this quiet core, is an infinite source of wellbeing, clarity, joy and deep peace.
And what if, by simply closing our eyes and sitting quietly, we can explore this place within, and have direct access to this infinite resource of peace and wellbeing at our essence. Not only to have this experience during meditation, but to bring it back into our daily life experience.
Om Awaken Meditation is specifically created for this purpose. To effortlessly guide our mind past our busy thoughts, to discover and explore our own profound place of peace, that we all have waiting within our selves.
By doing so, we dip into our own infinite source of calm, clarity, contentment, harmony and joy, and naturally enliven these more in our daily life.
"The true purpose of meditation isn't to get away from it all, but to get in touch with 'the all'. To find the source of all peace, joy, creativity and wholeness."
- Dr. Deepak Chopra
Beyond Our Thoughts
Beyond Our Thoughts
There are many types of meditation. Om Awaken Meditation is an effortless guided, mantra-based meditation technique, that originates from the ancient Vedic wisdom of India, just like Yoga.
We don't have to try to "control" our thoughts or "empty our mind" with this meditation. Wise sages of India discovered long ago that using a pure vibrational sound, or mantra, (we call it a Centering Sound) for meditation, gives the mind a focus beyond our everyday constant thoughts, so we can effortlessly experience our own silence within.
Mantra means 'mind vehicle', and it works much like a submarine diving down into the ocean. It gently guides our mind below the busy surface waves of our endless thoughts, and descends to deeper and deeper levels of our own awareness, to the silent essence of our Self, that is always quiet, still and peaceful, just like the bottom of the ocean.
Om Awaken Meditation is a guided version of this mantra meditation, that incorporates other powerful modalities to enhance the relaxation and depth of the meditation experience. Such as - affirmations, guided imagery and delta brain-wave vibrational sound.

“Silence is the great teacher. There is no substitute for the knowledge that comes from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence.”
- Dr. Deepak Chopra
Come and join our live online Zoom
Group Meditations
two mornings per week.
"Just wanted to let you know how much better I felt after meditation today.
Changed the outlook for the day. Felt a very deep connection with my soul,
washed with love and love flowing through me.
Thank-you Traysiah and Tom, and the meditation group."
- Kathie W., Bellingham, WA
Decades of scientific research and studies have confirmed that meditation offers a
surprising variety of benefits for our whole mind/body/spirit system.
(See links to research articles at the bottom.)
Here are just a few benefits that meditation has been shown to offer:
Benefits of Meditation
Benefits of Meditation
For Overall Health
For Overall Health
- Calms our nervous system
- Releases stress from our mind & body
- Deeply relaxes our mind and body
- Rejuvenates our whole system at a deep level
- Helps to improve sleep
- Improves our immunity
- Slows down the aging process
For Our Body
For Our Body
- Lowers blood pressure
- Lowers heart-rate
- Lowers stress hormones
- Lowers inflammation levels
- Boosts the immune system
- Assists in the healing process
- Releases beneficial hormones that help with longevity and rejuvenation
For Our Mind
For Our Mind
- Relaxes and calms our mind
- When the mind is calm, we can learn more easily
- Improves clarity of mind and memory
- Lengthens attention span
- Helps with focus and concentration
- Opens access to more creativity, fresh ideas and solutions
- Has been shown to help with ADHD
"Life is a journey back to Peace."
- Tom Bakken
For Our Emotions
For Our Emotions
- Reminds us of a sense of peace & calm
- Enhances a feeling of well-being and contentment
- Assists with balancing emotional ups and downs
- Helps to improve a positive outlook on life
- Helps to sooth feelings of anxiety, loneliness and depression
- Has been shown to help with PTSD
For Our Spirit
For Our Spirit
- Reconnects us to a deeper part of our self - our true essential nature
- At this deeper level, we experience a sense of calm, serenity and peace
- By reconnecting with this level, we naturally enliven more acceptance, compassion and kindness
- We are reminded of our deeper purpose and connection to something beyond our individual self
For Opening Awareness
For Opening Awareness
- By reconnecting to our essential nature, we may start to awaken a more expanded sense of self-awareness
- We may realize that we are much more than this individual body/mind
- We may notice that we are connected to all of creation
- We may become aware of the wholeness and oneness of our true nature
"The online group meditation has been a constant centering experience.
I am so grateful to Tom and Traysi."
- Nancy V., Blaine, WA
Measurable Results
Measurable Results
Meditation is a simple, yet profoundly effective way to bring more balance, upliftment and peace to all aspects of our life.
Science has confirmed, through years of research that meditation has measurable results. It has been shown to release stress, lower blood pressure, lower levels of inflammation. As well as, boost the immune system, slow down the aging process, improve sleep and uplift a sense of emotional wellbeing, among many other benefits. (See links to research articles below.)
There have been many studies done on people that have meditated for many years, that often display a deeper sense of calm, contentment, connectedness, compassion and peacefulness.
How can simply closing our eyes and being quiet for a while, have such a beneficial effect on our entire mind, body, emotional and spirit system?

"Everyone needs to be reminded, that they have an infinite source of
silence, peace and joy waiting within themselves."
- Traysiah Spring

Well, let's go back to looking at the peaceful place at the core our selves.
In recent years, science has discovered that we are pure energy at our essence. Our physical bodies, at the subatomic level, are actually tiny particles of energy moving around in vast empty space. And at this fundamental level, lies the greatest potential of power.
Other scientific studies, using EEG machines (electroencephalogram) have shown that our minds broadcast constant energetic frequencies that can be measured. Confirming that our minds are also fundamentally made of energy.
These discoveries are in-line with what ancient awakened sages have been passing down for thousands of years - that we are a pure energetic field of awareness at our core. And at this pure level of awareness, lies the greatest potential source of our own life-force, joy, creativity, wellbeing and peace.
"You find peace,
not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing
who you are, at the deepest level."
- Eckhart Tolle
Because we are fundamentally energy at our core, meditation can have a powerful overall effect, because it works at this subtle energetic level.
EEG machines have consistently shown, that meditation changes our brain wave frequencies. As we meditate, we go from waking state brain waves - Beta - to the relaxed awareness state of brain waves - Alpha - where deep rejuvenation and stress release can take place.
And meditation can take us even deeper, to Theta and Delta brain wave states, where it has been shown to allow for even more profound rest and re-balancing, including releasing beneficial hormones and slowing the aging process.

We Are Energy
We Are Energy

How can simply closing our eyes and being quiet for a while, have such a beneficial effect on our entire mind, body, emotional and spirit system?
It is simple. We all have a place of pure silence and energy within our self, that is a natural source of peace, wellbeing, and so much more. And the most efficient way to access this inner subtle place, is by allowing our self to be still and inward for a while. Then we can effortlessly experience profound rejuvenation, reconnection and rebalancing in all aspects of our life.
OmAwaken Meditation, is an easy, yet powerful technique, to dive down and access this fundamental energetic level of our self, where we each have an infinite supply of joy, wellbeing, calm, clarity and deep peace.
We invite you to try it and explore it for yourself. See above for a recorded version of Om Awaken Meditation.
Please Enjoy.
"For me, this meditation has truly been a lifeline! "
- Leticia N., San Mateo, WA
Research Articles
Research Articles
12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation
8 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life
Meditation and Your Brain
The Power of Group Meditation
6 Reasons Why Group Meditation Is Awesome
Meditation and your DNA
Meditation Helps Slow Down Aging
Meditation Reduces Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children's Brains And Behavior
How to Use Meditation to Manage Your Child’s ADHD
Brain Wave Information

"I found the whole experience quite profound on many levels."
- Jenny M. - Bowral, Australia