Adventures in Awakening Academy
Adventures in Awakening
Live Online Group Meditation
Come and join our live online Zoom
Group Meditations
two mornings per week.
Om Awaken Meditation is a guided, mantra-based meditation, that effortlessly leads our mind beyond our busy thoughts,
to experience our own place of silence and peace within.
We offer Group Meditations every -
Saturday & Sunday mornings at
8:00am Pacific Time USA
To join our Group Meditations,
please fill out this form and
we will send you the Zoom Link
within 24 hours.
Looking forward to
seeing you there!
"Just wanted to let you know how much better I felt after meditation today.
Changed the outlook for the day. Felt a very deep connection with my soul,
washed with love and love flowing through me.
Thank-you Traysiah and Tom, and the meditation group."
- Kathie W., Bellingham, WA
Recorded Group Meditation
Recorded Group Meditation
This guided version of Om Awaken Meditation can be used to lead groups with no previous experience in meditation.
It is an effortless method, that everyone can do right away. It is designed to guide our mind
in settling down and going beyond our busy thoughts, to experience our own place of deep peace within.
Please feel free to use it to lead your group,
to help everyone feel more calm, clear and peaceful.
"When a group of meditators are established, they not only create brainwave coherence for themselves, but also create improved coherence in the
collective consciousness of the whole population."
- World Peace Group
Group Meditation
Group Meditation
By simply closing our eyes and being quiet for a while, we can experience a surprising moment of peace and calm.
This sense of peace, then can be taken with us as we move throughout our day. It can help us to remember that we all have a place of calm within our selves to access and pull from, during the challenging times of our life.
When we meditate in a group, this stirs the peace and silence even more and enhances everyone's meditation experience, as well as, enlivens coherence and harmony in the environment.
It also reminds us of a wonderful sense of connection and community.
Tom and Traysi have led group meditations for people of all ages and backgrounds and they have found that most people easily have a natural experience of relaxation, calm and quiet for a few moments. And they often express afterwards, that they are so grateful for a reprieve from the busy-ness of the minds and their lives.
“If enough people were collectively experiencing and stimulating this fundamental powerful field of peace within, there would be a radiated influence of peace, that would affect the behavior of people throughout society.”
- Dr. John Hagelin, Harvard trained Quantum Physicist
The Power of Group Meditation
The Power of Group Meditation
Many studies have shown, that when large groups of people meditate together, there is an influence of positivity and coherence in the social and natural environment.
(The Maharishi effect -
I was part of a grand experiment in 1993, where 4,000 people came together to meditate in Washington, DC, to see if it would have an effect on the violent crime rate in the city. (See photo. I am about half way up to the right. Can you see me?)
"The online group meditation has been a constant centering experience.
I am so grateful to Tom and Traysi."
- Nancy V., Blaine, WA
After two months of our large group meditating together at a local university campus, the crime rates went down by 23%. This was measured by a 27-member project review board, that included criminologists, the local police department and the government.
More information on this experiment -
I saw for myself, the powerful effect that group meditation
can have on the world around us.
"Believe it or not, there are studies that prove the existence of a ripple effect of peace in the surrounding environment when a group meditates together."
- Kathryn Remati, Yoga International
The Power of Group Meditation
Article by Dr. Deepak Chopra
The Power of Group Meditation
Article by Dr. Deepak Chopra
Meditation has so many advantages that it’s become more popular than ever. Health, well-being, and mental processes improve with meditation and, over time, the benefits increase steadily.
If meditation works so well for an individual, perhaps that power is amplified in a group. It could accelerate and expand everything.
Let’s go into the possibilities. Read More
"The sense of spiritual community that we get here,
helps me not to be so afraid of my own darkness."
- Kathie W., Bellingham, WA
Research Articles
Research Articles
6 Reasons Why Group Meditation Is Awesome
The Power of Group Meditation
12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation
8 Ways Meditation Can Improve Your Life
Meditation and your DNA
Meditation Helps Slow Down Aging
Meditation Reduces Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms
Science Shows Meditation Benefits Children's Brains And Behavior
How to Use Meditation to Manage Your Child’s ADHD
Brain Wave Information
"The true purpose of meditation isn't to get away from it all, but to get in touch with 'the all'. To find the source of all peace, joy, creativity and wholeness."
- Dr. Deepak Chopra
"There's no greater discovery, than stumbling upon
the vast silence and peace, that lies within yourself."
- Traysiah Spring