Adventures in Awakening Academy
Adventures in Awakening
Adventures in Awakening
The Havan
The Havan
The Havan
Sacred Vedic Chanting Ceremony
Sacred Vedic Chanting Ceremony
Zoom Link to the Event
Zoom Link to the Event
Here is the Zoom link to join the event -
Saturday, January 7th, 2023 at 8:00am PST (USA)
8:00am PST - we will have a group Meditation
8:40am PST - we will start the Havan Ceremony
Start Your Year with a
Sacred Fire Ceremony
Release the Old and Bless the New!
Free Online Zoom Event
January 7th, 2023
8:00am PST (USA)
Start Your Year with a
Sacred Fire Ceremony
Release the Old and Bless the New!
Free Online Zoom Event
January 7th, 2023
8:00am PST (USA)
You are invited to join a free online Zoom presentation of an authentic Vedic Chanting Fire Ceremony from the Parmarth Niketan Ashram, in Rishikesh, India. It is also called a sacred Yagya Puja.
We will be presenting a film by Traysiah Spring - "The Havan". And while the film is playing, we invite you to be a part of the ceremony, by creating your own offerings and following along with the Vedic Master, H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, as he leads the ancient Vedic ritual, along with 60 young men from the ashram's school - the "Rishikumars". The Rishikumars will be chanting the Vedic mantras that have been recited for thousands of years, in India.
This is a sacred and powerful ceremony of letting go and releasing anything that is no longer serving you, and opening up and blessing all new opportunities for you in your life.
Come and join us, and start your year with this timeless and deeply transformational ceremony that will prepare you to have a glorious year, filled with love, joy, purpose and profound fulfillment.
Zoom Link to the Event
Zoom Link to the Event
Here is the Zoom link to join the event -
Saturday, January 7th, 2023 at 8:00am PST (USA)
8:00am PST - we will have a group Meditation
8:40am PST - we will start the Havan Ceremony
“You must always remember that a rich spiritual life and a deep connection to the Divine are the greatest education, the greatest wealth and the greatest success anyone can obtain. ”
~Pujya Swamiji
Create your Own
Personal Havan Experience
Create your Own
Personal Havan Experience
While watching the video, we invite you to set up a little Havan of your own, so you can participate in the sacred ceremony.
Here are four suggestions to create your own personal Havan experience -
1) Light a candle or use an electric candle and set it on a table in front of you. Make sure that the candle holder is stable.
2) Get a small empty mixing bowl and place it beside the candle.
3) Put a small bowl in front of the candle, that has a mixture of things to offer to the fire. In India, they use a mixture of seeds, grains and sometimes cow dung.
No need to use cow dung, (unless you really want to) but if you would like to create a mixture of seeds and grains, then we suggest using one or more types of seeds - sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, flax. Or you can use a bird seed mixture, then after the ceremony you can feed the offerings to the birds.
If you are going to feed the offerings to the birds afterwards, then for the grains, we suggest using oats from dry oatmeal or quinoa. This is safe to feed to the birds. You can also use the oatmeal or quinoa instead of rice, when they offer rice in the ceremony.
Offerings for the fire - Sunflower seeds,
pumpkin seeds and oatmeal.
4) Then if you like, you can also find some artifacts in nature - like flower petals, leaves, pine cones, pine branches, grass, shells, stones, or anything else from nature that you would like to use to decorate your sacred personal Havan area. When people are decorating the fire pit with flowers, then you can use your natural elements to decorate the area around your candle and bowls.
Once you have this set up, then as you watch the video, follow along with what the participants are doing. The ritual will start with the leader, Pujya Swamiji offering things to the fire, and you can just watch as this is happening. Then when you see the participants picking up some seeds and grains to offer, then this is when you also can pick up a little bit of your seed and grain mixture to prepare to offer to the fire.
Then when they offer it to the fire, you can offer it into the mixing bowl next to candle, with the idea that you are offering it to the fire. Use your imagination for this one and allow it to be a real experience for you. The power of this ceremony is in our mind and our heart, so it can be as real as you create it to be.
When you are picking up and holding the offering, you can hold it to your heart and put into the offering all that you would like to let go of and to release in your life. Then when you offer it to the fire, then picture it being released, allowing yourself to feel lighter and freer.
Follow along with the video, and generally, when they say "Swa-ha" in the video, that is when you make an offering. But watch the leader - Pujya Swamiji - he will show you when to offer and when not to offer.
When they are doing prayers in the video, this is when you can allow for a blessing on the new opportunities that you would like to bring forward into your life.
This ceremony is a wonderful way to let go of the old and bless the new.
At the end of the ceremony you can give them to the birds and squirrels to eat.
“Let us truly clean out our hearts; let us rid ourselves of the grudges, pain, and anger that clutter our ability to love freely. Let us empty out every nook and cranny, so that the divine light can shine throughout.”
~Pujya Swamiji
Zoom Link to the Event
Zoom Link to the Event
Here is the Zoom link to join the event -
Saturday, January 7th, 2023 at 8:00am PST (USA)
8:00am PST - we will have a group Meditation
8:40am PST - we will start the Havan Ceremony
“You must remember that you are divine and wonderful. You can do it! Whatever you want to do, you can do!”
~Pujya Swamiji
Meet the Videographer -
Traysiah Spring
Meet the Videographer -
Traysiah Spring
Traysiah (on the right in the picture) is an award winning author, meditation instructor, holistic facilitator and co-founder of the Adventures in Awakening Academy.
She was a volunteer for over three months at the Parmarth Niketan Ashram, in Rishikesh, India, in 2022. She was very blessed to work closely with renowned spiritual leader, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati (on the left) and had the opportunity to videotape many of the ceremonies of the ashram.
Traysiah created the video, "The Havan", because she was so inspired by going to the morning Havan rituals and wanted to recreate and share this profound experience with others in the world.
For more information on the Parmarth Niketan Ashram, please go to
“As you stay in the Parmarth Niketan ashram,
you will feel your soul bathing in
the peace of sacred energies.”
~Pujya Swamiji