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"Everything in life is for our awakening"

- T.R. Bakken

Who Am I?
Why Am I Here?

What if you are so much more than what you seem?

And you have just forgotten.

Come along with us on an epic inner exploration.

Meditation Inner Exploration Awaken

Adventures in Awakening Academy is a safe and sacred sanctuary to explore

the depths of who you are and the highest purpose of why you are here. 

“I am here to wake up and remember what I already am.”

- T. R. Bakken

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Awaken Wednesday 

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"You, your book, and your class are amazing, Traysiah! 

Thanks for all you give, you are such an inspiration!"

Kathie W, Bellingham, WA

Meet The Founders

Rev. Traysiah Spring and Thomas Bakken, are award-winning authors, international conscious living facilitators, and the founders of Adventures in Awakening Academy.


They trained and worked with Dr. Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Center for Wellbeing, in San Diego California and are both Certified Instructors in Meditation, Ayurveda and Yoga. 


After many years of working at Dr. Chopra's center, they started a non-profit organization - Adventures in Awakening Academy, where they host an international online meditation community, as well as, offer a variety of online programs and classes, including, Sacred Sound Journeys, Odyssey, OmMotion, Clean Green Eating, Ayurveda, E.F.T. and many other holistic modalities.


Their passion is to explore the everyday Adventures in Awakening and bring their discoveries out to the world, in a down to earth and practical way.  More details...​​

"Traysi & Tom are a power couple, that bring love into the room." 

- Rev. Christian Sorenson - Director - Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, Encinitas, CA


Marci Shimoff, NY Times Bestselling Author and founder of "Your Year of Miracles"

"Traysiah Spring is a magnificent guide, leading us on a simple, yet profound journey of Self-discovery."


Debra Poneman, Bestselling Author and Founder of "Yes To Success" Seminars

"Tom and Traysi are the best of the best! They are excellent teachers, speakers and even entertainers!"

- Debra Pone​man, Best selling Author, Global New Thought Leader, "Yes to Success" Seminars


Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, Bestselling Author and Global Spiritual Leader, Rishikesh, India

"Traysiah provides powerful and practical ways to experience a profound and awakened life."

"I was blown away after the class last night! It's phenomenal really! 

I'm amazed at the broad span of information you have covered. Thank-you!"

Mary M., Carmel, CA


for your generous offering 

from the heart!

We so appreciate your love and support!

And we send all our love right back!

We love sharing the online meditations and other programs with you. And we are so grateful for any support that we receive.

You will have the option of sharing one time, or donating on a monthly basis. Whatever your heart tells you to do, is the best for everyone. Thank-you so much!

With all our love,

Traysiah and Tom

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"I cannot thank you enough for your amazing course and all you have taught me. 

I could honestly listen to you for hours and hours."

- Tamatha O., Cowra, Australia


Come join us on an Adventure in Awakening!

"Everyone needs to be reminded, that they have an infinite source of

silence, peace, and joy, waiting within themselves."

- T. A. Spring

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